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The DJ Squirt Academy - A progr m focused on the Healing of Childhood traumas in oder to grow healthy minds planting the seed to building better communities.

Introducing "The DJ Squirt Academy's" Afterschool Heart & Mind Enrichment program

Introducing an afterschool program aimed at nurturing a childs emotional well being and intellectual growth is a wonderful initiative that can have a positive impact on childrens lives. 

 The Heart & Mind Enrichment Program is dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment where children can strengthen their emotional resilence, cultivate empathy and kindness, and foster a love for learning and personal growth. 

1. **Emotional Well-being Workshops:**                                                      -Weekly workshops focused on promoting emotional intelligence, self             awareness, and coping skills.- Activities include mindfulness exercises, art therapy, journaling, and group discussions on topics like empathy, self-esteem, and managing emotions.

2. **Mental Health Support:**
- Access to trained counselors or mental health professionals for individual or group counseling sessions.
- Resources and guidance for parents on supporting their child's mental health and well-being.

3. **Academic Enrichment:**
- Homework assistance and tutoring in core subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies.
- Enrichment activities such as STEM projects, creative writing workshops, and hands-on science experiments to spark curiosity and creativity.

4. **Community Service Projects:**
- Opportunities for children to engage in community service projects and volunteer work to cultivate empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility.
- Collaborations with local organizations or charities to support meaningful causes.

5. **Parent Involvement:**
- Regular communication with parents to provide updates on their child's progress and well-being.
- Parenting workshops and resources on fostering emotional intelligence, effective communication, and positive discipline techniques.

**Program Benefits:**
- Cultivates emotional intelligence, empathy, and resilience in children.
- Enhances academic skills and fosters a love for learning.
- Promotes physical health and wellness through exercise and outdoor activities.
- Builds a sense of community and social responsibility through service projects.
- Provides support and resources for parents to promote their child's holistic development.

By integrating emotional well-being activities with academic enrichment and community engagement, the Heart & Mind Enrichment Program aims to create a holistic learning experience that nurtures both the hearts and minds of children, helping them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.


Feel free to reach out directy with any questions : 

Rhonda Sheron AKA DJ Squirt


Phone - 470-923-0203

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